Huwebes, Disyembre 1, 2011

PSYC01 - Human Development

Human Development

My mother told me when I was infant I'm like with my cousin . I also have a circular face.  A ton color and also has a curly hair. I also have a big black eyes. When I was about 2 years. old My mom told me that the first word I say is "Tilapia". I also loved to sleep in afternoon. And also awake in the evening until midnight. I love to talk and love to eat plenty. My mom told me that I'm stout baby when I was child. I just stopped drinking milk when I already taste juice and softdrinks.

When I'm 3 years old I'm about to talk and and eat that's my mom told me. 
When I'm 4 years old  and 5 years old I'm an importunate child. I can't be placed in one position and I'm all around , walking , running,  playing and eating. I get for 3-2 hours. When I'm  6 years old I developed of write and draw in the walls , tables , and in papers. I been exposed in televisions , So I love to watch tv  and listen to sounds made by the tv. First time in prep and I been able to read some words and read some sentence. I already memorized the english alphabet and counting 1 to 100.

When I'm 7 years old I'm grade 1. I  know the shapes , simple addition and subtraction , the filipino alphabet.
When I'm 8 years old  I'm grade 2 I have a  greater mind than grade 1. But I always do the same think I been doing when I was grade 1. In grade 3  when I'm 9 years old I loved to play and write and write and write.

In Grade 4  I love eating  and writing.  In Grade 5  I'm  starting to scan the environment and reasoning is always there and some activities catch some of my attention. Grade 6 Starting to be alone somehow but developed the brain and skills. In 12 years old I already circumcised and grew taller and have the adam's apple.  Also developed having friends and the emotion, religion and self valuing.

Miyerkules, Nobyembre 30, 2011

Finals Quiz 1: FootSteps

1.) Think of a person who made a positive difference in your life. What qualities does that a person have that would you like to develop?

Teacher . My physics teacher in Fourth yr.Mrs. Andelyn Pluma. I like her patience toward us .The attitude that I her the most is being frank and easily to express her emotions. Imagine how she manage her patience to her class. Precisely uncredible. And I know that patience is a virtue. Sometimes its hard to be a teacher.

2.) Imagine 20 years from now you are surrounded by the most important people in your life. Who are they and what you doing .

I surrounded by My Family. I already experienced happiness. And I enjoyed . They are the people who made my life complete. Somehow challenging and annoying, But this life. Life is a complete packages of experiences. They're the one motivates me to achieve my dreams.

3.) If a steel beam ( 6 inch. wide) were placed across the skyscrapers for what you be willing to cross? A thousand dollars? A million? Your pet? Your brother? Fame? Think carefully.

My Family . I'm willing to across the steal beam If I see on the other side is my Family. And I see them Happy and the smiles can't be hidden. And I already found the word Fullfilment with my family And I already stop achieving and dreaming things. And looking forward to see them happy.

4.) If you spend one day in a great library studying anything you wanted what would you study?

 I want to study Greek mythology . The amazing stories of heroes, gods, and goddesses . The literature surrounds this myth makes more interesting. And also tells about lessons to be learned. Tragedies that survived by heroes.And lastly how this myth affect the lives of Greeks.

Biyernes, Nobyembre 18, 2011


A. Why you should be part of the community?

 I deserve to be in the community . Because I show support to the authority. I show how I value the community.
I help the implementation of rules and ordinance. I obeyed the rules and regulations. And think what is good to my Community.

B. What are the ten things I need to do to enhance my Community?

The first thing is to help.Second is to clean. Third to obeyed the rules.Fourth to followed rules. Fifth to share my ideas about the community.  Sixth is to organized  good fellowship in the community. Seventh is to help implementing rules . Eight to remind other citizen about ordinance. Ninth is help maintaining the cleanliness and order. And Lastly , To think what is better to my community.

QUIZ#2 What is my role in the Community.?

My role in the community is a citizen
 A young citizen will help the community to realized why we 
need to thank God      

A citizen who is implementing rules and ordinance. The one who follows the authority. A citizen who is willing to share his abilities to others . And recognize his community of being nice and achievements. And also who is willing to serve his community whatever happens.

QUIZ #1 Describe your Community?

My community  I belong is in Pacita Complex 1, Brgy.San Vicente, San Pedro, Laguna.

It is a well organized community. It has 7 phases. 
 Our community improves because of the good management
of the administrator or the authority. It always has events to come and to watch. 
Many schools are their in
Pacita giving good quality of education.

And also introduce humanitarian rules and help the citizen to fix some problems regarding in the
our community. 

Lots of Establishments are in our community and that helps me to describe what community I belong.

Lunes, Nobyembre 7, 2011

Filipino Values


Name: Julius Jerald Marcale
Age: 16
Subject: Euthenics02
Location: San Pedro, Laguna
School: AMA Computer College BiƱan

                                         FILIPINO VALUES

                   *Filipinos are devoted to their gods and religion.

  Filipinos whether they belong to Christian or Muslim. They give interest  and respect , worshiped through singing or dancing. Together with their family members: mother, father, sister, brother, etc. And also one of the proof is when a Christian or Muslim family celebrates the first natal day of their family members they use to teach the young ones the values of their religions.

And also the prayers and Events in their religions.

                             * Filipinos are Innovative

                      Filipinos are known for being known as innovative and future inventors.
          For ex. the fluorescent lamp which invented by Agapito Flores. And nowadays is being useful items in our house. And the other one is Eduardo Quisumbing who had been a great contributor in the field of Botany and Biology.And that's how Filipino are being known. Another example who invented the jeepney  vehicles and  the one who invented tricycle. And that are the proofs that do Filipinos are innovative.
                                Agapito Flores
                                       Eduardo Quisumbing

     * Filipinos are Hardworking
 Filipinos are known hardworking. They work for their families . In order to have food to eat , give a shelter, and good way of living. No matter how hard it is as long you have set your goals . Your eagerness to achieve will be yours. And also in studying, If we want to have a good grades and scores to our subjects , we need to study hard.Hard working persons sometimes will earn a gift or accomplish their goals.

     * Filipinos are Happy Go Lucky


           Filipinos always smile. That's a big  difference with other race. Whatever happen to us . We always smile,laugh for a while and stay happy. For. ex. After you lost your money , you will just laugh for a while in order your mood go nice. Or After you got a Failing score or zero to your exam , you will just laugh and you taught your friends have the same scores too. That's the reason why in the hardest situation of our life , We laugh and We smile.

          *Filipinos are Friendly

       Filipinos have many friends. Because Filipinos are friendly. Even if  we first met someone or a stranger we gonna give him or her our trust. Filipinos valuing friendship . That's why it is easy to us have a friend. And hard when we lost a friend. No matter what happens to our friends we are already affected it is because we have the harmonious relationship to our friend. Friends for Filipinos are their family like members. They say what they feel  , They share whatever they have and be there to support them.

*  Bahala Na or Draw the Luck 
             Filipino trademark words when we are  in a strange situation or in the middle of unsureness. For Example tomorrow is your exam.  And you haven't review yet .You will say " Bahala na o Bahala na si Batman". Usually students used this phrase in order to fulfill assurance whatever happen.The other term for this is Fatalistic. Fatalistic is more being dependent whatever happen.

 * Malas ( Bad Luck )or Swerte( Good Luck)

     Sometimes Filipinos are relying to this situation . When you are in a game or exam for example. Some were say " malas" if u got a failing score . Some were say" swerte" if they got a high score. 

And because of that Filipinos are relying to the pamahiin  or feng sui to have their luck they want. And other Filipinos used these words as their   explanation of what happening to them.For example in oue lives. People would say "malas " because they received bad luck . Some People would say"swerte" because they received good luck.  These luck used it as a source of conclusion or generalization .

               * Filipinos  respect  their Elders 
           Filipinos love their elders. They cherished their elders. As children they give more support and give attention and importance. They used to mano or kissed the elders as sign of their respect.
And also the use of "po" ,opo, ho,  when they are talking to their elders . As a growing child they are already taught about respecting to elders. Taking care of them if they get old. Loving them  to  the fullest.

* Utang na Loob or Reciprocity 

Filipinos are relying on this phrase for the reason taking back the favor . Otherwise it is know as Debt inside. For. ex. "Utang na loob natin s mga magulang natin kung ano tayo ngayon"
Sometimes this is the reason why it is hard to hold back our parents. In order to fulfil their promise to they care them.

* Filipinos are Family Oriented

           Filipinos whatever happened.. Family will always be greater than anything. " Blood is thicker than water"..One of the proof are Family reunions and gatherings and events. We Filipinos are closed Family ties. We are oriented of what happen to us we still bond as a Family. It's hard for us to  missed any family gatherings or reunions.  And along with is the hiya (shame).

  Juan Reyes

Filipinos have always been known, number one, for their hospitality. They are helpful to other people--relatives, friends, neighbors, and even strangers. One proof or practice of Filipino helpfulness in action is the "bayanihan". The "bayanihan" is a community action wherein all able-bodied and willing men helps out in constructing a house or lifting a house from one point to another without expecting or asking for payment.

Jesicca Ruiz
hospitality  ,close family ties, respect for the elders, fatalistic, loyalty are the Filipino values.

Peter Pabloma -
             Filipino values are the things that we need to preserve and obtain to next generation.

According  to Juan Reyes -Filipino Values
                     Jesicca Ruiz -Filipino tradition and Values
                     Peter Pabloma - Ako'y Pilipino.