Miyerkules, Nobyembre 30, 2011

Finals Quiz 1: FootSteps

1.) Think of a person who made a positive difference in your life. What qualities does that a person have that would you like to develop?

Teacher . My physics teacher in Fourth yr.Mrs. Andelyn Pluma. I like her patience toward us .The attitude that I her the most is being frank and easily to express her emotions. Imagine how she manage her patience to her class. Precisely uncredible. And I know that patience is a virtue. Sometimes its hard to be a teacher.

2.) Imagine 20 years from now you are surrounded by the most important people in your life. Who are they and what you doing .

I surrounded by My Family. I already experienced happiness. And I enjoyed . They are the people who made my life complete. Somehow challenging and annoying, But this life. Life is a complete packages of experiences. They're the one motivates me to achieve my dreams.

3.) If a steel beam ( 6 inch. wide) were placed across the skyscrapers for what you be willing to cross? A thousand dollars? A million? Your pet? Your brother? Fame? Think carefully.

My Family . I'm willing to across the steal beam If I see on the other side is my Family. And I see them Happy and the smiles can't be hidden. And I already found the word Fullfilment with my family And I already stop achieving and dreaming things. And looking forward to see them happy.

4.) If you spend one day in a great library studying anything you wanted what would you study?

 I want to study Greek mythology . The amazing stories of heroes, gods, and goddesses . The literature surrounds this myth makes more interesting. And also tells about lessons to be learned. Tragedies that survived by heroes.And lastly how this myth affect the lives of Greeks.

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